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The inventor of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Arthur Davidson, dies and goes to heaven

The inventor of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Arthur Davidson, dies and goes to heaven.
At the door, St. Peter tells Arthur:
- "Since you have been a good man and your bikes have changed the world, your reward will be to meet God directly"
God recognizes Arthur and comments:
- "So, you are the inventor of the Harley Davidson motorcycle!"
Arthur says:
- "Yes it's me..."
God comments:
- "Well, there is nothing to be proud of for having invented something that is unstable, makes a lot of noise, pollutes outrageously and can not even work without a way ?!"
Arthur is embarrassed for a moment but ends up saying:
- "Excuse me, but are not you the inventor of the woman?"
God says:
- "Ah yes!"
"Well," says Arthur, "from professional to professional, you have serious design flaws in your invention:
1. There is no consistency in the design of the front bumper;
2. It slams and it constantly snaps at high speed;
3. The back is too soft and jerks too much.
4. The entrance is placed too close to the exit.
5. And the maintenance costs are excessive. "
"Hmmmm, you have good points there" replies God, "Wait!"
God goes to his celestial computer and says a few words.
The computer prints the results and God reads them to Arthur:
"It's true that there are defects in my invention," says God, "but according to a survey, there are more men who ride my invention than yours!"
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