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The best jokes about religion, humor joke religion priest, priest, christian, jews, jehovah

The best jokes about religion, humor joke religion priest, priest, christian, jews, jehovah

A rabbi and a priest collide in a car accident. Both cars are completely demolished but, curiously, neither of the two men is hurt.
After everyone has gotten out of his car, the rabbi sees the little silver cross on the back of the priest's jacket and tells him:
- Ah, you are a priest. I am a rabbi. Look at our cars. There is nothing left, but we are not hurt. It must be a sign of the Almighty. God had to want us to meet, become friends and live in peace for the rest of our lives.
- I absolutely agree with you. It must be a sign of God.
The rabbi continues:
- Look. It's still a miracle. My car is in pieces, but this excellent bottle of Israel wine is intact. God certainly wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good luck.
He opens the bottle and hands it to the priest. The priest agrees and drinks some big sips (emotion, heat), then returns the bottle to the rabbi. The rabbi takes the bottle, refills it and returns it to the priest.
The priest asks:
- You do not drink?
The rabbi answers:
- No ... I think I'll wait for the police.

-After a disaster
After a disaster, a hundred couples are found in the sky in front of St-Pierre. He tells them:
- Please, please make three lines. A line for women, a line for men who have always been led by the tip of their noses by their wives, and a line for men who have imposed their will on their wives.
On this, 3 lines are formed. Only one gentleman finds himself in the line of men who have imposed their will on their wives. St-Pierre approaches this gentleman and asks:
"Sir, I have not seen anyone in this line for years, are you sure you are in the right line?
- I do not know, it's my wife who told me to put me here!

-At last judgment
In the last judgment, 10 women appear before St Peter and GOD.
St. Peter asks these holy ladies to take a step forward, if at least once in their life they have deceived their dear and tender husband.
Bravo for the great frankness of these brave ladies; to know that out of 10, NINE take a step forward?
AND, JESUS ​​turns to St PIERRE asking him:
- St Pierre, what do we do with the deaf?

-In Paradise
A woman dies and arrives in paradise. She finds herself in front of Saint Peter and asks him:
- Can you tell me where I can find my husband. He died three years ago and is called Roger

St. Peter answers him:
- You know my little lady, Roger, there are many here. You would not have anything else for me to find?

The woman thinks then exclaims:
- If I found! Before his death, we had agreed that whenever I deceived him with another man, he would turn to his grave.

St. Peter answers him:
- Well you see that we get there "He then takes his intercom and announces:" We ask Roger, Roger the top! "
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