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Jokes on the brunettes, brunette jokes, brunette sayings,

1 - Jokes on the brunettes

Why did God create blondes?
- Because the sheep did not know how to look for beers in the fridge. And why did he create the brunettes then?
- Because he realized that blondes could not do it either.

 2 - Jokes on Brunettes Without blondes ...

What would brunettes do without blondes?
- Nothing, since she would have nothing to tell!

3 - Brown

Why did God create the blonde before the brunette? Because it was a rough draft before perfection!

4 - Brunette at the cinema

How do you recognize a brunette in the cinema?
It's the only one looking for the remote!

5 - Brunette who tells a joke about blondes

How does a brunette who tells a joke about blondes feel?
She suddenly takes herself for Wonder Wooman !!!

6 - Brunettes

What does a brunette do when she sees a yellow hot air balloon?
- ho! a sun !

7 - Browns and construction site

How do I know if a brunette is walking past a construction site?
Guys stop whistling.

 8 - hair

Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
- Because they match their mustache.

 9 - Creation

Why did God create the brunette before the blonde?
Because it was a rough draft before perfection!

 10 - Mother's Day

What do a brunette mom's children buy for Mother's Day? a razor !
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