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Bill Gates unfortunately dies one day and goes to the purgatory

Bill Gates unfortunately dies one day and goes to the purgatory. Arrived St. Peter welcomes him embarrassed and tells him
-Bill you scammed a lot of people but you're still a good guy so I leave you the choice between hell and paradise.
Happy Bill decide to visit both places before choosing! He begins with paradise: there he sees people happy peaceful, honest, supportive in fabulous landscapes.
In hell, he sees people scammed, half-naked women, a place of debauchery! So he goes back to Saint Peter and explains that he still prefers to go to hell.
Once at the gates of hell, the devil himself opens the door and invites him in. But the, oh stupor, Bill discovers a horrible place, full of flames with imps who torture everyone ...
Amazed bill asks lucifer
- But it does not look like what I saw earlier! and the devil answers him:
- Yes I know but you know the problem with the demos!
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