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After a day's work, a man comes home with a lie detector robot

The lie detector
After a day's work, a man comes home with a lie detector robot. His son comes after him. The father then asks:
- Why are you coming back so late?
- I was at the library doing my homework.

The robot approaches the son, and PAF! slap him. The father explains:
- This robot detects the lies, you should tell the truth.
- Ok ... I was at a friend's house, we were looking at Bambi.
And PAF! The robot gives him a slap.

- Aiiie! Well, it was a porn movie ...
- At your age, I never lied to my parents! Answer the father.
And PAF! The robot slaps the father.

- Ah la la, it's your son! Said the mother laughing.
And PAF! The robot puts a slap on the mother ...
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