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A plane of diplomats crashes in the jungle, there are three survivors, a French, an American and a Belgian.

A plane of diplomats crashes in the jungle, there are three survivors, a French, an American and a Belgian.
They are immediately captured by the local tribe. The leader approaches and says:
- Here, as today we have recovered enough meat to spend the winter, I propose a market: if you want to stay alive, you have to pass two tests! The first: we bring back each 100 fruits of the virgin forest, and for the second we will see later!
The American refuses:
- I oppose any form of blackmail under human rights.
The village chief catches him and cuts off his head. The petrified Belgian and French accept. The leader gives everyone a bag and leads them to the edge of the virgin forest.
French comes back first with a bag full of lychees. The chief congratulates him, assembles the village council and tells him:
- Here is ! Now we can go to the second test: you have to put one by one each fruit in the ass without shouting, without laughing and without speaking, after we will leave you alive.
The French runs with a lot of trouble ... 1, 2, 3 ... 96, 97, 98th lychee, and there he burst out laughing.
The chef catches him and he cuts his head off.
He arrives at the gates of Paradise and Saint-Pierre questions him:
- I do not understand, I followed the whole scene and you had practically passed the second test! How come you cracked the 98th litchi?
- It's the fault of the Belgian, when I saw him arrive with his coconuts!
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